#StraightOuttaPatience - Tell the Raleigh City Council to Take a Stance Against the Harassment and Violence of People of Color in our Community
We know that a young, black man is dead at the hands of someone who is supposed to protect and serve. We know that death is not the appropriate punishment for a drug charge. We know that our brother is not the one on trial. And we know that state violence against our community did not start on February 29th.
The Raleigh Police Department is 270% more likely to search black drivers during a traffic stops than they are white drivers (black drivers are 10% less likely to have contraband).
Between Feb-Aug 2015, Wake County arrest data shows, black people represent 67% of those arrested for low-level marijuana possession (less than ½ oz) but represent only 21% of the population when national studies show black and white people use marijuana and equal rates.
From Baltimore to Ferguson to Raleigh, communities across the country are challenging the injustice and inequality that are terrorizing communities of color; realities highlighted by the profiling, beatings and deaths of young people of color, immigrants, members of the LGBTQ community, and other marginalized groups by police officers.
Fill out this pledge to take action! Justice for Akiel Denkins and accountability for the Raleigh Police Department from this day forward.